Das Dritte Paradies

Das Dritte Paradies
Michelangelo Pistoletto
Translated by Johannes Schlebrügge.
German, 124 pages, numerous illustrations in colour, 16.4 x 22.4 cm, softcover
ISBN 978-3-902833-30-3
€ 16,00 [A]
€ 15,60 [D]
Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Third Paradise is a manifesto – an artist’s dream with many details taken from the present world: To provide relief from the many grievous conditions nowadays and from the many ideas, approaches and realisations in the economic, social and political practice; and to contribute to that ever-changing world with much understanding, responsibility and solidarity, in order to still ensure that our children and their children, experience conditions worthy of life Pistoletto views art from a crucial position. Art is a mediator as well as an agent of meaningful, active practice that intervenes in the other areas of the social field, initiates economically and ecologically compatible projects, and builds a laboratory, where models of living and production are invented and tested out.