
Arbeiten 2003-2011
Sepp Auer
With a text by Markus Mittringer.
German /Engl., 152 p., numerous illustrationsin in b/w, 19,4 x 26 cm, Paperback
ISBN 978-3-902833-16-7
€ 22,00 [A]
€ 21,40 [D]
The sculptor Sepp Auer’s new artwork is characterised by sarcastic statements in conceptual-minimalist phrasings, which are collected in a thematic series. Selected groups of part elements taken from an industrially designed, de-sensualized world are imprinted with rigorously reduced and coded messages from the sector of cheap contact ads. The minimalistic typology conveys narrative signals that interfere with the context, because they evoke a self-conscious and ironic reality of life that had been repressed by this purified and aseptic kind of art.